Mobile App für Verkehrserhebungen und Fahrgastzählungen
Traffic surveys without detours.

Digitized traffic surveys and passenger counting in the region of Vienna

Schuster + Schuster Traffic Infrastructure Consulting GmbH continuously conducts traffic surveys for transport companies and transport associations on buses. This includes surveys as well as entry and exit counts. In doing so, the company uses tablets in combination with the mQuest® Traffic survey software since 2019.

Tasks include the preparation and implementation of the survey as well as the transmission of the data to the client. In 2020, projects with the client VOR could thus be successfully implemented. These surveys aim to provide an up-to-date picture of how passengers are using the service. The obtained data is the basis for ­revenue­ sharing procedures and upcoming ­planning tasks.

Schuster + Schuster Traffic Infrastructure Consulting GmbH

Partner: Schuster + Schuster Traffic Infrastructure Consulting GmbH

Verkehrsverbund Ost-Region (VOR) GmbH

End customer: Verkehrsverbund Ost-Region (VOR) GmbH

In a nutshell

  • Product in use: mQuest® Traffic
  • Increase in the number of interviews in buses
  • Cost and time savings through the replacement of paper-driven processes
  • Quickly customizable survey forms and flexible assignments within the task management
  • Error-free results without media breaks nearly in real time
  • 100 % offline and therefore independent of WiFi or mobile data connection


Icon Provision
Provision of the survey software
Icon Training
Training of employees
checklists icon
Digitization of the survey forms
Icon Support
Consulting and support
Switching from paper to the mQuest® Traffic survey software has proven to be successful. Real-time results add significant value for our customers as well as for the internal quality management. Another crucial argument in favor of digitized passenger surveys: the noticeable increase in cost-effectiveness.
Wolfgang Schuster, CEO, Schuster + Schuster TIC GmbH