Software für Tagebuchstudien zum Bezahlverhalten in der Schweiz
How is Switzerland paying?

Diary study on payment behavior in Switzerland

The Swiss Payment Monitor is a research project of the University of St. Gallen and the ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences to study the payment behavior of the Swiss population.

A central part of the study is the documentation of each transaction in a payment diary kept by the subjects over a period of three days. The study is conducted every six months. The mQuest® software for diary studies is used for the regular and simple recording of transactions.

Through specific control during documentation, detailed information on payment behavior is collected. In addition, participants receive a push notification each evening, reminding them to fully record their transactions. The acquired data therefore provides a complete portrait of a subject‘s payment behavior.

ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften

Customer: ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences

Universität St. Gallen

Project partner: University of St. Gallen

Project: Swiss Payment Monitor

In a nutshell

  • Product in use: mQuest® Diary
  • Increase in data quality through clearly structured digital payment diaries
  • Quickly customizable questionnaires and flexible assignment in task management
  • Error-free results without media changes, nearly in real time
  • Automatic push notifications to remind the subjects
  • 100 % offline and therefore independent of WiFi or mobile data connections


Icon Provision
Provision of the software
Icon Stift
Implementation of the payment diary
Icon Hosting
Icon Support
Consulting and support
Diary studies place special demands on the creators, the subjects and, last but not least, on the tool used. It must be simple, flexible and reliable. With the mQuest® survey software, we have found the ideal tool for data collection in long-term surveys.
Dr. Marcel Stadelmann, Research Associate, Institute for Marketing Management, ZHAW