Smart digitized

Digitalized plant audits in Germany‘s largest refinery

The Mineraloelraffinerie Oberrhein, MiRO, located in Karlsruhe, is one of the most modern and efficient refineries in Europe and refines about 14 million tons of crude oil per year.

After two successful pilot projects, the mQuest® Audit Digitization platform for the planning, implementation and evaluation of regular plant audits at MiRO is rolled out successively.

Various criteria are monitored around the clock by plant operators and are digitally recorded on mobile devices. This starts with various safety precautions for compliance regulations, the condition of the installed parts and even includes parameters such as temperature or pressures. Results of the routine program are automatically aggregated in defined plant operator reports and help to make operations even more efficient.

Logo Miro

Client: Mineraloelraffinerie Oberrhein (MiRO)

In a nutshell

  • Product in use: mQuest® Audit
  • Advanced auditing with tablets and digital checklists according to individual standards
  • Automated generation of plant operator reports
  • Highly secure solution for data requiring special protection
  • Cost and time savings through replacement of paper- and Excel-driven processes
  • 100 % offline and therefore independent of WiFi or mobile data connection


Provison of software
checklists icon
Digitalization of individual checklists
Icon Training
Training of plant operators
Icon Support
Consulting and support
As part of the critical infrastructure in Germany we have particularly high requirements for quality and safety. This does not only concern our plants or products, but also the tools we work with. mQuest® Audit fulfilled our demand for a modern audit software by 100 %.
Petra H. Baier, Management Digitalization (CDO) MiRO Mineraloelraffinerie Oberrhein GmbH & Co. KG