Worth asking

International customer survey at the POS with more than 9,000,000 participants

Since 2016 Lidl has been conducting customer surveys in more than 25 countries all around the world. After their purchase, customers are asked about their place of residence, receipt of the weekly advertising flyer and other topics.

Since the start of the project, over 9.2 million interviews have been conducted in Lidl stores. Provided address data is compared with stored street lists and automatically enriched by geocoordinates within the system. To secure the conformity with the data protection regulations in the respective survey countries, the data collection is anonymous.

Collected data is managed in a custom developed portal and displayed as charts. The obtained results provide valuable information for future expansion planning and the distribution of advertising material.

Lidl Logo

Client: Lidl Stiftung & Co. KG

In a nutshell

  • Deployed product: mQuest®
  • Millions of data records collected in more than 25 countries
  • Digitalized questionnaires with stored street lists
  • Multilingual questionnaires in 23 languages
  • Automatic addition of geocoordinates
  • Independent of WiFi or mobile networks thanks to offline functionality


Provison of software
Individual analysis portal
With mQuest® we could rely on a finished product and therefore reduce the time-to-market for our survey solution enormously. The variety of functions, in particular the offline functionality, convinced us. Thus, we were able to increase and standardize the quality of our survey results internationally.
Florian Krebs, Business Consulting Geospatial Solutions Schwarz IT KG