Moving more through digitization.

SEW-EURODRIVE uses sophisticated software for audits and checklists.

Known for more than 90 years for its dynamism, innovation, quality and service, SEW-EURODRIVE is a top supplier of drive and automation technology with more than 22,000 employees worldwide. Headquartered in Bruchsal near Karlsruhe, Germany, the company maintains its global presence through continuous development and adherence to high-quality standards.

Since 2022, SEW-EURODRIVE has been utilizing mQuest®  Audit software to digitize audits, checklists, and processes, including safety tours, 5S audits, and process audits. Safety tours are conducted to ensure compliance with safety regulations and to protect employees. 5S audits improve workplaces by implementing sorting, systematizing, cleaning, standardizing and self-discipline. Process audits refine manufacturing processes by identifying and improving bottlenecks and inefficiencies.

Mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets are used for machine inspections. Data is sent almost instantly to the mQuest®  Audit web portal and analyzed using embedded analytics powered by Microsoft Power BI. Any deviations are translated into actionable measures and monitored.

The audit software is also used to evaluate service providers, using specific checklists to ensure they meet contractual obligations, a critical step in supplier evaluation and selection.


In a nutshell

  • Product used: mQuest® Audit
  • Introduction of the software in the lead plant in Graben-Neudorf with a global perspective
  • Digitization of various checklists with a central tool
  • Action management with tracking
  • Connection to the company's own software
  • Cost and time savings by replacing paper and Excel-driven processes


Icon Custom
Software Customizing
Icon Geräte
Replacement of manual processes
Icon Integration
Connection to SAP module
Detaillierte Analysen für digitalisierte Audits
Integration of embedded analytics
For the modular and efficient production of market-leading products, we always count on the best tools. This includes the software we use. mQuest® Audit gives us maximum flexibility in digitizing our processes with maximum performance and security.
David Poliudovardas, Head of Production at the Graben plant (WGF), SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG