Legal notice
Information according to § 5 TMG (German Telemedia Act):
cluetec GmbH
Wilhelm-Schickard-Str. 9
76131 Karlsruhe
Entitled to act as substitute:
Matthias Helferich
Hermann Schäfer
Telephone: +49 721 83179-0
Telefax: +49 721 83179-29
Register entry:
Court of registration: Mannheim
Registration number: HRB 109205
VAT identification number:
VAT identification number in accordance with § 27a VAT Act:
DE 213118929
Responsible for the content according to § 18 Abs. 2 MStV:
Matthias Helferich
cluetec GmbH
Wilhelm-Schickard-Str. 9
76131 Karlsruhe
Host Europe GmbH
Technical implementation of the website
goetzinger+komplizen Werbeagentur GmbH
Cinematic implementation of the mQuest® explanatory films:
Credits of the mQuest® explanatory films:
Worker in uniform Background vector created by Iconicbestiary -
Flat steampunk pipping Background vector created by Freepik
Liability for content
According to § 7 section 1 TMG, as service providers we are responsible under generally applicable law for the content we supply for these pages. However, according to §§ 8–10 of the TMG, as service providers we are not obligated to monitor transmitted or stored third-party information, or to search for indications of illegal activity. Any obligations under generally applicable law to remove or block access to information shall not be affected by the foregoing. However, we cannot be held liable in this respect until we have been notified of a specific law infringement. Should such an infringement come to our knowledge, we will immediately remove the offending content.
Liability for links
Our web pages contain links to pages maintained by third parties, the content of which is beyond our control. Therefore we assume no liability for such third-party content. Responsibility for the content of linked web pages solely lies with the respective owners and providers of those pages. All linked pages were carefully examined for law infringements when the links were created, at which time no illicit content was apparent. However, in the absence of specific indications of law infringements we cannot reasonably be expected to continuously monitor the content of linked pages. Should any law infringement come to our knowledge, we will immediately remove the offending links.
All content provided by the web site operators on these pages is subject to German copyright law. Copying, editing, distribution or any other use not provided for by said law require the prior written consent of the content’s author or creator. These pages may be downloaded and copied only for personal, non-commercial use. In the case of content on these pages that was not supplied by the web site providers, the copyright of third parties has been respected. In particular, third-party content is identified as such. Should you nevertheless become aware of a copyright infringement, we kindly ask for a corresponding notice. Should such an infringement come to our knowledge, we will immediately remove the offending content.